Thursday, February 4, 2010

200th Post!

Guess what? This is my 200th post! WOOHOO!
Anyway. Ahem. Yes. Quite.
Yesterday we went for a pre-op at the hospital, which went pretty well. I had to get more blood drawn, but other than that....(I told dad that I'll be really used to needles going into my flesh once this is over!!!) *sigh* oh well. Surgery is indeed Monday morning at 6:00 AM, so we've got to be there earlier so they can get me ready. It'll last for about two hours, I'll be in recovery for about thirty minutes, and then two days at the hospital. The good news is that I'll more than likely be well enough to go to church the next Sunday.

Anyway...dat's de scoop. :)

Love you all, and thank you SO much for all of the sweet comments! Thank you!!!

In Christ,


Cylleruion Gwaithovorn said...

YAY! Hope it goes well! :)

~Miss Zara~ said...

Just to let u know you are in my prayers deeply I hope all goes well on Monday.

~Desiree~ said...

Neat! I am praying for you! Do you want me to ask some freinds of mine to pray for you? I hope all will go well. God Bless

Abigail Pruence said...

Hi Hannah, my whole family is praying for you, I hope all goes well. God Bless!


Lucas said...

We are praying for you.
Hope to see you soon.

Keykeeper said...

I feel for you. I just had surgery on my wrist a couple of months ago (it was my first). I HATE needles! The worst part of the whole thing was the iv, actually no...the worst thing was when they delayed giving me the medicine the next day. Here's a hint: when they take you off the morphine (IF they give it to you at all that is:) don't let them wait an hour to give you the pain-killers, worst pain I've felt in my life (though I've lived a pretty pain-free life come to think of it:). Hope I didn't scare you...:/...I started writing this hoping to let you know that someone else knows what you're going through (though I'm a bit older. I'm 18)

Concerning the food the breakfast was ok, lunch...well...not so good.:/ But every hospital is probably different. My favorite memory of my surgery was in the recovery room, when I was waking up I had a recovery buddy (what I'm about to relate is going to sound pretty strange but if you have a nice recovery buddy you will probably understand:) who was pretty talkative & so was I (which is pretty unusual for myself, but since I was still pretty groggy from the anesthesia so I wasn't as self-conscious as I usually am) so we struck up a pretty good conversation and I always refer to him as "my cherished friend" a joke from an Andy Griffith Show episode. I have to run. I'm prying for you. Hope all goes well.:)
