Well, the Bible Conference of '08 has past.
We had tons of fun this year; we got good, biblical t
The speakers this year included pastor Greg Green, pastor Joe Moorecraft, pastor Chris Streavel, pastor Wayne Rogers, pastor Jess Stanfield, and guest speaker pastor Gary DeMar. It was very refreshing to hear good Christian teaching in such a perverted nation. Also, we got to hear Judy Rogers sing (lower left,) she writes songs for children and young adults alike; my little sister, Rebekah, enjoys going up on stage with other children every year to sing one of her favorite Judy Rogers s

Anyway, I got to talk to allot of my dear sisters in Christ, one of which was Rebecca Martinez, (at right)
she is a very dear friend who lives down in Texas, and I only get to see her there at Conference. If you wish to
get to know Rebecca more, she has a blog that she has just started, the address is: www.texan-by-the-grace-of-god.blogspot.com.
Friday night
This year, the last session lasted to about 9:30, and we usually try and start the dance at 9:00 PM, but when the session was

The dance was fun, it went to 12:00 AM, I danced with three nice, young men, one of which I danced the Virginia Reel with, the Virginia Reel is the last dance that they do, and last year I was not asked for that one, but this year I was asked.
(Top left: Myself and Chuck Fultz dancing in a Square Dance. And to the right myself and Robert Martinez in a Square.)

I believe that everyone, especially the young adult girls, dread the last day when it is time to leave; not only must you leave your friends, but you must leave them for a whole year! This year the weather suited the mood perfectly: overcast and cool.
If any of you girls that I met this year see this post, then I say to you: Thank you for being my friend and taking the time to talk to me, and may God bless you this year and Lord willing I will see you all next year for the 2009 Reformed Family Bible Conference at Blue Field College in Virginia!