It was a long way - but it was nice. We got to the Capital, and me, of course, just loved looking around at all the people. I'm like that. I'm strange. I enjoy going to cities - I don't get to go to them often, and when I do, I LOVE looking at the huge glass buildings and watching all those people buzzing around.
Anyway, there was a speech inside the building, AND...we were in the room where the secession was signed.
Actually, as soon as we had gotten out of the car, we were by this lady's house (a big, old house), and she was outside trimming the bushes. Mama said,
"I love your house!"
And the lady of course started chatting, then she spotted Nathan in his Confederate uniform.
"Oh, is he wearing a Confederate outfit?"
"Yes, he is."
She lit right up and came over;
And she went on. It so happens that her great granddad had a friend who was in the Union army, and told them that if he let them use the house, their goods would be better protected. So, he said yes, and in her very living room, Sherman and two other generals drank hot tea. WOW! That was just really neat. =D
Sadly, there were only about 100 people there. Not enough by far. I think the best part for me was the story about that lady's house - I really enjoyed that. :)
Now it's raining. We got back at 6:45 and Nate and I had to immediately go feed the horses in the pouring rain and thick was actually kinda fun! I'm nice and try, in my Steel Standard gray t-shirt, gray lounge pants, and we're about to eat some Italy pizza!!! *dies* I simply love's always been my favorite food. Pizza and pepsi. =D Can't get ANY better!!!!!
Alright, enough of my rambling. I'll post some more later, chaps and chapesses! (Sorry, too much Redwall!)
Always Fighting,