I'm happy to say that the prayers of all of us have been answered! Earwen's dad came out of surgery fine, and was still sleeping when I last talked to her. Everything went well, and they did it in under three hours. She said that the doctors expect him to be fully recovered in about six months, so, that will also require some prayer. (If you ask me, the recovery part is probably the worst!:)
They will still need your prayers, so please keep them in mind.
Pray hard. In about thirty minutes, Earwen's dad will be in surgery. This is very fast and a quick update...PLEASE PRAY! Triple bypass surgery is risky....PLEASE PRAY! Pray that everything will run smoothly and without difficulty.....
I need each and every one of you to pray very, VERY hard for Earwen's family. Her father had a heart-attack yesterday morning at around 3:00 AM, and he's been in the hospital since. Thankfully, it wasn't severe, but tomorrow morning at around 7:00 AM he is to have a TRIPLE BYPASS SURGERY. This is risky and requires 6 to 12 HOURS. Please...PLEASE pray for them. Her older sister is also having hip and stomach pains, and is in the emergency room now. Please pray HARD that this will go smoothly and that her father would make a fast recovery. Please pray, please. Earwen is a very dear friend to me, and I couldn't stand for anything to happen to her or her family.
Sorry for not posting in a while...it has been VERY busy! We just started on a new schedule today, and, basically....it's packed. I'm only able to check my e-mail twice a day for fifteen minutes, and that's just e-mail. I'll be able to do blog work and reply to comments on Wednesdays, but that's it, I'm afraid. So, if I don't reply to your comments right away, it's NOT because of you! =D Posts, once again, will be limited to once a week, if I can think up of something to post. So...bear with me! I will try my best to answer comments; if there are a lot of them, please don't be offended if I do not answer; I've only got a limited amount of blogging time. =) Hope you all understand? Anyway, just wanted to announce that. Belle is doing very well, and she's acting strangely calm. I'm guessing that mother-hood is kicking in. =D We started School today, and I'm actually glad we have. It's nice to be on a schedule again. Oookay...I need to close. I know this is VERY short, but...limited time. =D Here are a couple of pictures I found off of google that I like.
ttyl! In Christ,
~Miss Rose Earwen, these are for you. =D Don't they look like an older Samurai? (If only he had a red star...:)