The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, July 30, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
Dim. It's 6:30 in the morning. Cloudy, and a bit rainy. *yawn*
I am thankful for...
Living to see another Birthday....*glances out window* and the cat who is trying to get my attention by sharpening her claws on the screen....=D
From the kitchen...
Dark. Quiet. Strange thump....what WAS that?
I am wearing...
Flannel snowflake PJ bottoms and a pink shirt that says "Lee" other words....I'm still in my pajamas! (Gimme a's six in the morning...)
I am creating...
What AM I creating??? Um...Hopefully a drawing of Scarlett....not from Gone with the Wind, mind you. =D
I am going...
I am reading...
Uuuuummm....haven't been doing much reading, lately. Just my Bible, for the most part.
I am hoping...
I am hearing...
The keyboard. That's it. It's quiet and dark in the house.
Around the house... me just say that we got five HUGE boxes of peaches and we got FOUR of them done yesterday....the kitchen's kinda messy.
One of my favorite things...
If I can call Earwen a "favorite thing"...then I reakon she would be it! =D (Okay, that came across kinda rude...she's not a thing...)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... the rest of the peaches, get the house clean, write some, draw, chat with Earwen, and hopefuly thing up of another post to do before the week is out. =DHere is picture thought I am sharing...

In Christ,
~Miss Rose