Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yes, I'm Back....

Yes, I'm back!
It's been cccccold lately! *shiver* Oh well....I'm gonna do a Simple Woman's Day Book...I haven't done that in a goes:

The Simple Woman's Day Book

For Today…January 16, 2010
Outside my Window…A wee bit nippy and slightly overcast.
I am thinking....About seeing if an e-mail went through to my friend. :)
I am thankful for…Daddy being home from GA.
From the kitchen…Mom doing this and that, putting some stuff away.
I am wearing…Black lounge pants, pink shirt that says "Lee", and white socks.
I am reading…My Bible and To Have and To Hold.
I am hoping…
To take a nice warm shower soon. :) *is freezing*
I am hearing…Keyboard, the James Bond theme on the radio, and mom walking through the kitchen.

Around the house…Clean! *happy dance*

One of my favorite things
…My horses....loooove my horses.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week
…Church tomorrow.
I accomplished since last week:
Taking down the Christmas tree, cleaning out the horses stalls.
Here is a picture I want to share with you...
INTRODUCING: My new signature. =D