My dad and I are leaving Wednesday for the Father & Daughter Retreat down at Callaway Gardens in GA, and I am packing today. Tomorrow night is Bible study and I probably won't be able to get back on until next Monday. I may be able to squeeze in a couple of minutes later on, so if you send me any comments, I'll try to publish them. :) (Don't get me wrong...DO send comments!:)
I'll try to answer as many comments/e-mails that come in today and some of tomorrow, but I won't be able to Wednesday through Monday. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know.
So, goodbye dear sisters and brothers in Christ! I love you all very much! <3
Please pray for us as it will be a VERY long trip down there, and pray for my mom and little brother and sister who will be home by themselves. Lord willing, I'll see some of you girls there!
In Christ,
~Miss Rose~