(: This post contains MANY pictures! :)
Hi friends!
Well, I'm back from the 2009 Father & Daughter Retreat. First of all...let me say that this post is going to contain about 50 pictures. :) (Trust me...I have a TON more than that.)
I really don't know where to start, but I must say that this most probably is the best Father~Daughter that I've ever been to. Mr.
Voddie Baucham was there and delivered a speech entitled "Wh
at He Must Be if He is Going to Marry My Daughter." It was EXCELLENT! Mr. Doug Phillips, Mr. Scott Brown and Mr. Jeffery Botkin were there. Mr. Botkin's daughters, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth spoke on how we, as young ladies, should treat our brothers in Christ. It was wonderful. I took a TON of notes, and wish that I had the time to write some of them here. I took my "So Much More" book written by Anna & Elizabeth, and had them sign it for the second time. :) I
also personally met....*drum roll*....Liberty Phillips! I was so nervous when I went to speak to her...I was stuttering! I never, ever stutter. She's the most dearest girl that I'v
e ever met, and I thank God that he allowed us to be friends. I also met Jasmine Baucham, and enjoyed her company emmensly. There are some pictures of us together. And I want to give my regards to all of my blogger friends that I met there, I greatly enjoyed their lovely company and love them like sisters! I met Julia from Julia's Journal, Emily Rose from An Old Fashioned Vintage Girl, Breezy from A Bowl Of Moss and Pebbles, Earwen from Thoughts of A SheildMaiden, and Cassie from Inside Cassie's Mind. Cassie and I have been friends before getting blogs, but
the rest mentioned above...we JUST met! Emily Rose and Breezy are dear girls and I love them to death! Earwen (I don't think that she wants her real name here) is the most fun, lovely
young lady that I've ever met! She brightened my day even though it was raining. It rained the WHOLE ti
me, but that didn't matter....we enjoyed like-minded fellowship much more. Some friends from our church came with us, so we were able to sit at the same table together at the High Tea. The Tea was fun...and I ACTUALLY drank hot tea! (The last two years, I didn't drink any:) It was fun, and the
rules to it were rather challenging! You had certain spoons and forks that you used for either the tea or food, and you had to eat the food in a certain order. :)
We didn't have the games because it was raining, but we did have the picnic inside. Saturday night there was the time when about 25 little girls would jump up and down, trying to be picked as one of the eight to nine girls th
at would be picked for the "Serenading Act". The chosen daughters would take their dads up on stage, and the dads would have to sing "Edelweiss" or "You are My Sunshine" to their little girls. That was sweet. These two won. (Next year, I'm taking MY dad up there!)
The Butterfly Garden was lovely, and I had one come and sit on my shoulder! I met twins; Sydney and Genesis. They are fun, happy girls that I love to be around.
All of us girls got together and took a group
picture, most of us being friends. Then I met "Susan Pevensie"...she came all the way from Narnia. :)
We also went to the chaple on a rainy, stormey day to do our Bible reading. It was very quiet and peaceful.
So, we had a wonderful and blessed week, and I'm already looking forward to next year!
Thus ends the 2009 Father & Daughter Retreat.
Hope to see you next year!
In Christ,
~Miss Rose