This is the restaurant mom and I went to while in Ohio...boy was it goooood!!! (and yet horrifically SPICY!) yikes...and I thought the chili I make was hot...goodness.
Anyway, it was GREAT fun! The second picture is what I ordered...and I only ate about 2/3 of it! The chicken, which is the redish looking stuff on the bottom, was so spicy, I couldn't eat it all. The rest of my meal consisted of...ahem...bean stalks...(bleh)...and they were COLD, mushrooms, some sort of dumpling thing, which was actually very good, rice, which I really liked, some sorta sauce, tofu and kimchi on the side. The tofu was actually really good, which is the fourth picture, and the third is the kimchi. The tempreture of the kimchi is cold, but it's SOOOO spicy!!!
We got to sit on tiatami mat sorta things, and we had to take our shoes off before we got up on the little platform thingy. The worst part...THERE WASN'T ANY SALT!
it's the end of the world when there's no salt to be seen.....:)

The picture above is a sorta tea that mom ordered, and it..well, tastes like corn!