Yup. You guessed it. Belle is pregnant. :) I'm so excited! She's due to have it May 31st, 2010. I told Nathan, "Well...we're in for an adventure next year." And boy is that true. She's what's called a maiden horse; she's never been bred before and this is her first time. With most maiden horses, they can have their babies a whole MONTH early, or a whole MONTH late. It varies. We've got a ton to do to prepare for this foal. I'm hoping that all goes well, because during the first few months, she can miscarry. Also, since she's never had a baby before, she may not be strong enough to deliver, and a ton of things could happen. Here's just a few pictures of some really cute foals. :)
In Christ, ~Miss Rose
p.s. I'm sorry for this being so short, but I have chores to do. :) Hopefully I'll be able to post some more later.
Well...you all are probably wondering what on this earth has happened to me. Do not fear. I have not died. :D I've just been really busy, and haven't thought up of anything to post yet...despite all of the good ideas. Oh well. Okay. I FINALLY got an update on Belle; she's scheduled to be taken to the vet tomorrow at around two for the ultrasound, and then on Friday we're supposed to be getting all of them back. *is very happy that her horses are finally coming home* :D I miss Red a lot. He's my baby. :) On Saturday, we're having a big party for my Birthday. Although, I won't officially be fifteen until Tuesday. (At 6:30 AM, to be exact.:) I'm having several of my friends over, and we're going to cook a bunch of food. The "theme", if you want to call it that, is a tea party. :) I found this absolutely GORGEOUS dress at the thrift store. I'm sure that a couple of my friends will take pictures...don't worry, I'll post them. :) It'll be lots of fun, I'm looking forward to it. Anyways, I'm really sorry about the delay in posts; we've got something going on almost every week and the whole of August if slam full. I'm sure I'll do a post about the party and so on.
Well, I need to go. Tonight is Bible study over hear and people should be arriving...*glances at clock*....YIPE! NOW! Gotta run...BYE!