I'm...um...stuck. I have no clue what to post. At all. Not one inkling.
Do any of you have anything in particular that you would like me to post about? I'm wide open to suggestions. :D I'm calling on all you young ladies and men who read my blog to give me suggestions. Please get them coming! :)
Alright. There's my announcement. :) We still haven't heard much about Belle save that she's been bred and we're still waiting for an ultrasound that should take place this week. In fact, all of the horses should be back here in a few weeks. (I'm looking forward to having my babies back!) :D
And, now that I can't think of anything else to write...I'll just post some pictures that I found off of Google. :D (I'll warn you now...I'm feeling in a Fall~ish sort of mood....so...)

In Christ,
~Miss Rose