Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A VERY Big Blast!!!

This morning, Nathan and I decided to to sledding and took Rebekah along. We went in the pasture (AFTER locking the horses up...), and were out there for about an hour and a half. It was FUN! WOOHOO! Ooooh boy...I'm still tired. We came in and mom fixed us some hot chocolate. *yum...*
We managed to acquire all sorts of bruises and knots, and I even managed to get my hand run over. :S But we had a BLAST! YAAAAAYYY!!!
I haven't been sledding in a long time, so this was great. If you listen carefully on the video, right before I go sledding with Bekah, you can hear me quoting Ice Age:
me: "Are you ready for adventure?"
bekah: "Yes sir!"
me: "For 'courage'?" (that's actually not what he says...I couldn't remember!)
bekah: "Yes sir!"
me: "For DEATH?"
bekah: "...um, could you repeat that last question?"

We had a great time! Enjoy the photos!

Always Fighting,

P.S. I've changed by photography blog address to

Monday, January 10, 2011

Think, Think Think....

 Yes...I'm thinking...again....

Once again...it's snowing. Tiny white flakes are drifting from a gray sky, dusting the ground in what looks like powdered sugar. (Probably doesn't taste as good, but, oh well...) I'm sitting here typing away, listening to the Gladiator soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. (An excellent piece of music, might I add!)
     I just got a notice from my dear friend that it's POURING the snow over there, and now it's iced over, and no one can go anywhere....I wish it would do that here!!! (My dad's trusty Dodge Durango SUV could probably go anywhere, though....*grin*)
On a slightly random thought...SUVs are sooo cool! I LOVE them! Fourwheel drive, can tread through snow VERY well, or make the best car-chase scene you've ever laid eyes on in movies. In other words...SUVs rule. >:)

Ah....I really don't know what to post. :S I'm out of ideas. I posted a whole bunch last week, and now...my brain is not functioning. (But what's new about that, right?:)

I'm already planning my 17th Birthday! I do this almost every time; 6 months before. ^.^ Here's the battle plan: Asian themed birthday. (Shocker, eh?) Mom and I are planning on fixing Korean bulgogi and kimchee with rice and steamed vegetables, possibly some Chinese cauliflower "gruel" (which "gruel" was a really bad name, because it's FAAAAAR from it!), and for dessert, we're going to try something slightly on th odd side: Japanese green tea ice cream and sponge cake! We're going to eat with chopsticks, drink out of Japanese tea cups, and I'm hoping to buy these really cute Chinese New Year favors to give to my friends.
    Also...for those of you who are wondering...in stead of gifts, I'm asking everyone to make a donation to Voice of the Martyrs or Open Doors USA. That's the best gift you can give me and THEY need it far more than I need anything!=D
So. That's my plan. :) I'm looking forward to it! It'll be lots of fun.

Alright...on a last note, I read a chapter in my Bible this morning that really stuck out:

John 14:13-15:
"Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."

And 15 is what WE'RE required to do in order gain this:

"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

He says this again in verses 21 and 23. If we love Him, He rewards us. If we love Him, we keep His commandments. This is very important to remember.

If we love Him.....

Always Fighting,

...my cat likes to get in the DRIER!!! 0.0