Friday, September 17, 2010

God's Grace

This just hit me the other day.
In the hallway next to mom and dad's bedroom, mom has these three framed pictures with each of mine, Nathan's and Rebekah's names on it. Underneath, it has the meaning of the name, and a scripture verse. Here's what mine says:

Gracious, Kind
"The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and abounding in mercy."
Psalm 145:8

Boy oh boy is that true! I was thinking about how our names are supposed to mean something, and I realized mine means "gracious", just how gracious God has been towards me. I DON'T DESERVE IT! It really makes me want to cry. Why is He so gracious towards me????? I'm such a sinner. For the past few weeks, I've been going through a "why-did-God-choose-me?" mode, and "I'm-so-horrible,-why-me?". I just doesn't seem right. Our pastor has been doing a sermon series on the Trinity's work in our salvation, and the only answer for "why" as to why the Father chose us is that HE LOVED US FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, and WE are His chosen people! Those of us who are saved from before the world are HIS, those He was willing to send his Son to DIE for. 
I'm telling you right now that Psalm 145:8 is my life verse. I don't deserve His graciousness, yet He gives it to me. I'll always look at my name differently now. "Hannah" means "God is Gracious", and THAT IS THE TRUTH! Especially for me. 
The Lord is so, so so so sooooo's really unbelievable. 

God. Is. Gracious.

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