Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Farm Life

Well....it's time to wean Max. Here we go, setting off on a new adventure.
It started with Belle having a swollen ankle this morning, oddly enough, and we had our farrier come over to look at her. She needs to be separated from the other for a few days so that Silkie won't boss her around. Then he said that it was time to wean Max, and this was the perfect time to do so. We're keeping Belle in the barn most of the day, not in the stall, but so that she can have quiet and walk around, while Max and Silkie stay outside. Then we switch them off, and at night, they all stay in their own stalls, including Max. It can take from two weeks to a month. It depends. So...Max goes through another stage of life. No more milk. =) He's standing outside the barn door with Silkie neighing at Belle, but I think that mare's happy to have him off of her for a while.
        I'll be working with Big Boy a lot more. Yeah - I'll probably get kicked and hurt..............but what's farm life about?
        I'll also be selling eggs! My chicks are laying 11+ a day! So that'll be my business, and Nathan's will be honey bees. We're going to get them in the Spring. Lots of honey bees! *can already see Pooh Bear wooing them to sleep - "Honey bee, Honey bee, honey bee in, the tree; rest now, your honey, is safe, tonight....."* =D I'm looking forward to it, I suppose. The buzzing....the stings....ouch. -.0
Oh well.

Last night I was sitting in the den, sketch pad in hand, pencil in the other, tapping paper. I didn't know what to draw. I just started sketching. Anything at all. It turned into this!

I really like this - though I have no idea what it's supposed to be! A wounded guy, for sure, seeing the red, but other than that, I've no idea! I love the "swooning" posture. It turned out so neat! I just.....like it. =)

Anyway. I guess I'll skip off and do something else.
Wish me well with my Big Boy!

Always Fighting,
This curious Little Lady was wandering over my desk last night - I had to get a picture of her!

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