Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A VERY Big Blast!!!

This morning, Nathan and I decided to to sledding and took Rebekah along. We went in the pasture (AFTER locking the horses up...), and were out there for about an hour and a half. It was FUN! WOOHOO! Ooooh boy...I'm still tired. We came in and mom fixed us some hot chocolate. *yum...*
We managed to acquire all sorts of bruises and knots, and I even managed to get my hand run over. :S But we had a BLAST! YAAAAAYYY!!!
I haven't been sledding in a long time, so this was great. If you listen carefully on the video, right before I go sledding with Bekah, you can hear me quoting Ice Age:
me: "Are you ready for adventure?"
bekah: "Yes sir!"
me: "For 'courage'?" (that's actually not what he says...I couldn't remember!)
bekah: "Yes sir!"
me: "For DEATH?"
bekah: "...um, could you repeat that last question?"

We had a great time! Enjoy the photos!

Always Fighting,

P.S. I've changed by photography blog address to

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