Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friday Night Dance

     I went to a dance last night for the first time in a while, and the result this morning would be that I'm very sore and tired - but in a good way! The dance started a little after five and went for a while, then we ate dinner and continued to dance after that until 10:00. I got to dance all except maybe three or four. I really enjoyed it all. (That's me in the white shirt and black vest, just in case some of you didn't recognize me... I had a couple of people who I've known for a while last night ask me my name. :P)
     Thanks to dad and mom for taking quite a bit of these pictures! I'm glad I was finally able to get some! (144 total!) I've selected a few to put up here, so, enjoy.

- hannah


Cylleruion Gwaithovorn said...

First time in awhile? We've had two here in as many months...They don't count?

Hannah Leigh said...

.... a BIG-ish dance that includes people I haven't SEEN in a while. ^_^ That's what I meant, silly.

- hannah

Cylleruion Gwaithovorn said...

Sure I don't.

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe, I was thinking the same thing. You're time management skills leave me a little perplexed! 8-)
Lovely pictures by the way.

Rebecca said...

I recognize so many people there! Now I feel lonely and left out! :( Glad you had a fun time. :D Are you going to be coming the conference this year?

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures, our friends in CA liked them too! =D You should post some more!

P.S. I know what you mean our little dances aren't quite the same...

Hannah Leigh said...

Megan and Christopher - ... what are you talking about?!? lol I'm not quite following you guys....

Rebecca - HEY! Yes, I'll be at Conference this year! As far as I know, we'll be there for the whole thing! *EXCITEMENT*

Sarah - is this our Sarah? ;D It'd have to be.... thanks! Glad you liked them! I'd have posted more but it takes way too long to upload. :P

- hannah

Anonymous said...

HI! Wonderful pictures!! I really enjoyed looking at them and watching the video! There is definitely a difference between our little dances and the "big" dances! They are both fun though! I really look forward to reading your blog posts!

Hannah Leigh said...

Glad you liked the pictures! I enjoyed looking through them as well, seeing as I didn't take most of them, haha. ;)