Monday, December 15, 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book

For Today: December 15, 2008
Outside my window: Cool, cloudy and rainy.
I am thinking: That I wish it were sunny so that I could go riding!
I am thankful for: Christmas!
From the kitchen: Water fountain, Classical Music, and my mom on the phone.
I am wearing: Long, blue skirt with blue shirt.

I am reading: Stepping Heavenward, Beautiful Girlhood and my Bible.
I am hoping: That it would snow.

I am hearing: My keyboard, computer vent, water fountain, Classical Music and mom on the phone.
Around the house: Clean! *gives a sigh of relief*
One of my favorite things: My Purity Locket from Vision Forum.
I accomplished since last week: Keeping the house clean.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Ooooh...possibly go riding, do math, work on a baby blanket, and get ready for Christmas.
Here is something special that I'm sharing with

Home-Making Tip:

To make your house smell like Christmas, take a small pot, (a sauce pan will do) one orange, one apple, two cinnamon sticks, and a pinch of cloves. Fill the pot almost full with water, and cut the apple and orange into quarters. Put the apple and orange in the water, and then add the cinnamon and cloves. Put on stove and turn to about four and a half. It smells wonderful!


In Christ,


Anonymous said...

I love reading Simple Woman's Daybook. So inetesting. A baby blancket, how fun, though time consuming!

Anonymous said...

I just might try that! Is that your Christmas tree? It's beutiful!

Joanna said...

Hello Hannah!
I just stumbled upon your blog and followed it, I hope you don't mind!
Do you have the purity locket form vision forum? I have seen it, and would like to get it. Hint, Hint, Dad! :) I just don't think it would be nice for my Dad to get it for me, instead of me getting it by myself, if you know what I mean. I look forward to reading your blog!

Joanna said...

Hello again. I noticed that you have a lot of Enya music, I have read your whole side bar, so I know what you mean when you say that you like her "sort of". I agree. Just thought I would suggest my favorite. I is the first one I heard (of the four that I have heard :)) and it is still my favorite. It is called "Only Time"

Unknown said...

What a pretty Christmas Tree! :)

Hannah Leigh said...

Thanks! Yes, a home-made baby blanket is VERY time consuming!

Molly~, that's not ours! I would faint if that were ours! ;)

Hi Joanna, it's nice to see someone else visiting my blog! Yes, I do have a locket; it stays on my neck almost 24/7!
I know what you mean! ;)
Yes, I do have a LOT of Enya music. The only reason that I would be hesitant to suggest her to anyone, would be that she is New Age. I do NOT agree with New Age, but her music is fairly good. Only Time is one of my favorites! Another is 'Trains and Winter Rains'. I don't have that one up yet, but I probably will, if you'd like to here it.


In Christ,

P.S. Only Time is on my Playlist.
P.S.S. No, I DON'T mind at all if you follow! ;)

Hannah Leigh said...

Thanks Stephanie...But it's NOT ours! ;)

In Christ,