Friday, July 24, 2009

A Foal is on it's Way....

Yup. You guessed it. Belle is pregnant. :) I'm so excited! She's due to have it May 31st, 2010.
I told Nathan, "Well...we're in for an adventure next year." And boy is that true. She's
what's called a maiden horse; she's never been bred before and this is her first time. With most maiden horses, they can have their babies a whole MONTH early, or a whole MONTH late. It varies. We've got a ton to do to prepare for this foal. I'm hoping that all goes well, because during the first few months, she can miscarry. Also, since she's never had a baby before, she may not be strong enough to deliver, and a ton of things could happen. Here's just a few pictures of some really cute foals. :)

In Christ,
~Miss Rose

p.s. I'm sorry for this being so short, but I have chores to do. :) Hopefully I'll be able to post some more later.


Rebecca said...

That's great Hannah! I am so glad that the breading was successful! I hope all goes well with the pregnancy and delivery. :)

Love you,
Rebecca Marie

~Desiree~ said...

How exciting!! I hope that all will go well:)

sarah said...


Cassandra said...

How exciting!!! Oh! I'm so happy for you! I'll be praying that all goes well...

You'll have to post LOTS of pictures!

Anyway, I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!

Your friend and "sister"

Anna Taylor said...

That's great! I found out today that my sister in pregnant!! I am going to be an aunt!:)

Calico Zak said...

Hope it goes well


Unknown said...

That's awesome! :D I'll be praying everything goes well. :)


Anonymous said...

I had a great time at your house!!

Thanks for having us over,


Anonymous said...

Um...I dont know your brothers blog. can you give me the name?


Sarah Holman said...

Our horse just had a filly! Hope all goes well with your horse.

Hannah Leigh said..., everyone! Sorry I don't have time to reply to these right now...but do know that I read every one of them!

In Christ,
~Miss Rose