Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The movie Crossing was made in 2008 by Korean director Kim Tae-Kyun and won the best foreign language film award. About a father who risks his life crossing the North Korean boarder into China to get food for his family, it's a very good movie and will keep you in suspense. Although this film was not made by Christians, it has multiple references to the Bible and Christ throughout. The dialogue is in Korean, but it has English subtitles, which I found easy to keep up with. If you wish to read more about this movie, you can go here.

The movie is in part supported by Voice of the Martyrs, which is where we found it, and gives a fair warning about the film, which I think I should, too: It does have some cursing. They're in the subtitles, so you can't block them out.

The film accurately portrays the horrors of North Korea and what goes on over there, and it was pieced together from stories of actual refugees. Crossing is also based on a true story. Before anyone watches this, I strongly suggest that your parents see it first.

Also, for some reason, the embedded trailer has popped up two times and I can't get the second to go away. Sorry. :)

Crossing - Trailer from LiNK Global on Vimeo.


Lucas said...

hmm looks like a good movie.
I haven't heard of it before now where did you fear of it?

Hannah Leigh said...

We get the Voice of the Martyrs catalog every month, and they were advertising the DVD on the back. We ordered it the very next day. It's very good, except for the cursing. Just to warn you: have a box of tissues close by.

Lucas said...

lol whoops I was trying to put hear down instead of fear

Hannah Leigh said...

Quite alright...that's quite alright. :)