Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Officially Sixteen!

WOOHOO! Can you believe it!? ...I can't! I know some people out there are like, "Why are you so excited????"
Weeeelll.......I don't know, actually...I just AM! Since I'm writing this post the day before my birthday, and it's set to go out in the morning at 6:00 AM, I'll post LATER about the events of the day!
I'm really looking forward to going to the Mall! Dad's taking me in a little while to breakfast, and then I'm coming back and mom and I are leaving. Tonight, I get to pick what we're watching, and it'll be Nicholas Nickleby! *grins* Yes, I know some of you HATE that movie........but, oh well. =D
For those of you who have already wished me a happy birthday, THANK YOU!

Love ya all!
In Christ,

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