Lord, I pray for whoever saw that sunset. I pray for them. I beg you for them.
Whoever saw that, Father - give them hope in a dark world. Keep the lights from blinding them - protect their ears from the sounds.
They need You, Lord - like so many. So many need You. Oh my God....save Your people. Show them the way. Never let them go. I know Your promise that You will lose none, and whoever the Father has given You, You will never cast out.
So many are lost, Lord. It hurts my heart so bad. It makes me cry. There's so much turmoil, so much pain. Nations are starving, people are killing each other, horrible things happen. I know You know this - but it hurts. It hurts so bad sometimes.
Father, I ask on behalf of so many people, I beg on their behalf, with all of my full heart, that You wouldn't let their last breath escape without bringing them into Your arms. I know, I KNOW, that you will save those You have called.
I see people driving down the road and pray for them because they don't know where they're heading, and I don't mean map wise. I mean soul wise. It hurts.
God, please heal. Please hear. Please, please help.
In Your Name forever, amen.
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