Tuesday, March 27, 2012


       What a better way to put it. ^_^
This is a scheduled post, and I'm announcing that once again, I'll be gone for a bit. (Not quite sure how long... two weeks to a month.)

Consider it a sabbatical of sorts... it'll be good for me. ^_^

Love you guys! Hope you enjoy my pictures... there's PLEEENTY to go around. >.<

- hannah

Proverbs 3:5 - LIFE VERSE!


Anonymous said...

No don't go again!! =/ Well don't b gone 2 long then :) Hey PLEASE post some pic't of Max!!! PLZ!!! =D O love him so! LOL! O'h sending you a letter by the way :)

Nelly xx

Anonymous said...

O'h, did you get a chance 2 see my YouTube I made?? I want 2 know what you think of it :)

Nelly xx

Lucas said...

We wait here for you, …Han. =)